Ritorno sugli investimenti


“Signorina, una domanda, per favore,” began an irresistible questioning with Laura, Head Waitress at Canova, Roma’s paradise for cappuccino and crowd-gazing.

We have traveled 6,245 miles to investigate a recurring question from last year’s luxuriance at Canova: a man in his regular spot at the café, overlooking the stunning Piazza del Popolo, suited in impeccable pinstripes (blue, brown, or grey), Borsalino felt hat, matching overcoat folded over his chair, cashmere scarf, Hollywood handsome with perfect hair – in residence daily, sipping Campari and forking his pranzo. He sat, mostly staring at the infinite, two leather notebooks and three colored pens arrayed on his tiny table, scribing infinitesimally small and neat notes, with dozens of ribbons, marking the work in progress. We watched this mystery man, code-named by us Mr. Brown (or Mr. Blue, depending on his sartorial splendor that day). What was he doing? How crazy or compulsive is he? What is his backstory…heir to a fortune, possessed genius, pretender in a 20’s novel?

Laura’s reply: “Oh si, that is Grabriel. He ‘comma’ everyday at 2:30 for the last ‘yeara’ to sit and write. He is writing a book on…’psychologia’.”


Lisa and I looked at each other with a satisfied relief. Our endless speculations returned their investment.

Welcome back to our Roman screenplay!

Choosing to start our annual “sabbatical” in Rome again was the product of calculus that considered the known comfort of a well-worn pair of jeans and loafers (metaphorically speaking) over the strains of more adventurous, yet untested, travel.

We will blend recurring pleasures with new wrinkles in location and accommodation. However, the grand overture of matching Spring’s advance through Italy and Austria proved a compelling composition, for this year’s cultural logistics.

We have been greeted by perfect weather, 74 degrees (feels like 85 in the sun), cloudless skies, streets overrun by Italian and EU kids on viaggi scholl in this magnificent and ancient Capitale, some local citizens still seasonally “correct” in layers of textured sweaters, scarves, coats – “it’s still Marzo, God damn it!”

We hope you will enjoy pausing to sniff the bougainvillea with us.


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6 Responses to Ritorno sugli investimenti

  1. Meta says:

    Howard, you have just made my day through a mini virtual vacation in Italy. Great to be back reading your trademark style: rich prose and wonderful descriptions.I’ll definately be looking for bougainvillea to sniff today. Dare you to have a chat with Mr. Brown (or Blue)?

  2. Ken Wirt says:

    Those white anchovies have me drooling …. and it’s not even time for breakfast here yet!

  3. Rose says:

    Looks fabulous, Dad! Glad to read that the weather is so nice, you aren’t missing out on that here 🙂 Help Desk is available via email, should you need it.

  4. Burt Cummings says:

    Oh NO! Just when I rolled up my sleeves to write marketing materials, this comes up. The food looks great, the weather is killer, and you two? Well, you look so natural!

  5. Philip Foster says:

    You both look fabulous! Bon appetit!

  6. Zen Ohashi says:

    Well, these sure are the sources of high performance!! (not a result of it)

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